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We have owned our property in the beautiful downtown historic neighborhood of West 2nd Street, for 40 years.

We raised our family here and have enjoyed watching the neighborhood change, develop and renew.  What a beautiful spot- with the tree lined medians. We witnessed the former city park; Rendezvous Park being gone, and the building of the New Mesa Arts Center, also trees being planted in the median down 2nd Street.  We enjoyed bicycle riding on some of these quiet streets.  We have also enjoyed living in close proximity to various agencies, such as the library and the post office.

After we resided here for 20 years, we rented the property for awhile, and then my son & his family lived here, and next my brother. After the renovation, we decided to sell this downtown jewel.

We will miss it and the neighborhood, but know that some other lucky persons will continue to enjoy it in our place.    _ signed  Pete & Barb


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